
Military Standard Bracket

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Bracket part number MS9592-025

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MS9592-025 Datasheet Features and Specification

First Leg Length:
1.883 inches minimum and 1.893 inches maximum
Second Leg Length:
0.633 inches minimum and 0.643 inches maximum
Second Leg Width:
0.500 inches nominal
Second Leg Corner Radius:
0.500 inches nominal
First Leg Hole Diameter:
0.200 inches minimum and 0.210 inches maximum
Second Leg Hole Diameter:
0.200 inches minimum and 0.210 inches maximum
Second Leg Distance From Edge To Hole Center Along Width:
0.245 inches minimum and 0.255 inches maximum
Second Leg Distance From Edge To Hole Center Along Length:
0.195 inches minimum and 0.205 inches maximum
First Leg Thickness:
0.056 inches minimum and 0.068 inches maximum
Second Leg Thickness:
0.056 inches minimum and 0.068 inches maximum
First Leg Width:
0.500 inches nominal
First Leg Corner Radius:
0.500 inches nominal
First Leg Distance From Edge To Hole Center Along Width:
0.245 inches minimum and 0.255 inches maximum
First Leg Distance From Edge To Hole Center Along Length:
0.195 inches minimum and 0.205 inches maximum
First Leg Style:
Corner radius
First Leg Hole Arrangement Style:
One hole
Second Leg Relationship To First Leg:
First Leg Angle:
90.0 degrees nominal
Part Name Assigned By Controlling Agency:
Bracket, angle
Steel corrosion resisting
Material Specification:
Ams 5510 fed spec single material response
Style Designator:

Additional Information

SKU / Model: MS9592025
NSN: 5340-01-491-9065
FSC: Hardware, Commercial / 5340
Product Series: MS9592
Pack Weight (Approx.) 0.000 lb
Minimum Qty (MOQ): 10 EA
Schedule B: 8302.42.3065
ECCN: 9A991
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