
Military Standard Bracket

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Bracket part number MS9592-017

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MS9592-017 Datasheet Features and Specification

Mounting Hole Type:
First Leg Length:
0.638 inches nominal
Second Leg Length:
1.388 inches nominal
First Leg Hole Diameter:
0.205 inches nominal
First Leg Thickness:
0.056 inches minimum and 0.068 inches maximum
Second Leg Thickness:
0.056 inches minimum and 0.068 inches maximum
First Leg Width:
0.500 inches nominal
First Leg Distance From Edge To Hole Center Along Width:
0.250 inches nominal
First Leg Distance From Edge To Hole Center Along Length:
0.200 inches nominal
First Leg Style:
First Leg Hole Arrangement Style:
One hole
Second Leg Relationship To First Leg:
First Leg Angle:
90.0 degrees nominal
Steel comp 321
Material Specification:
Ams5510 assn std single material response
Style Designator:

Additional Information

SKU / Model: MS9592017
NSN: 5340-01-361-6067
FSC: Hardware, Commercial / 5340
Product Series: MS9592
Pack Weight (Approx.) 0.000 lb
Minimum Qty (MOQ): 15 EA
Schedule B: 8302.42.3065
ECCN: 9A991
National Motor Freight: 093600, Brackets / Bushings / Joints / Mounts Etc
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Military Fasteners is my go-to on-line place for aviation items. I do most of my ordering from your web site, but when I can't work out exactly what I want, your sales agents have been extremely helpful.


I sent in my online order then within a minute I realized I left off an item. I sent a message that requested an item be added to avoid a second shipping cost. I received a reply the next morning that the item I wanted had been added successfully and my order would be delivered as promised. Thanks to your staff for the flexibility and the help with my online order.


Another good experience with Military Fasteners, and our Sales Rep, Dan Hunter. We needed hardware for an older aircraft model, and Dan's expertise was exceptional. He quickly identified fasteners, even for parts with unclear descriptions, and provided invaluable technical assistance. The supporting data was spot-on, verified by our technicians. Despite finding slightly lower prices elsewhere, the unmatched service and expertise from Military Fasteners, particularly Dan, make them our preferred choice. Our order was delivered ahead of schedule. Highly recommend MilFast for top-notch service and technical support!


I can say that Military Fasteners was able to deliver the part to me very quickly. I live in a very remote area in the Tennessee mountains and typically have to wait up to two weeks to receive deliveries. Sometimes, the delivery guys cannot find my house at all, and they have to leave my packages at the local general store. But with Military Fasteners, my packages always find my front door step and in great condition. This package arrived nearly a week earlier than expected, and that was over the New Years holiday! Great work, Military Fasteners, on your delivery service. Thanks!
