
Military Standard Electrical Connector Cover

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for plugs - protective cover for mil-c-26482 series i and ii circular connectors

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MS3180-20CA Datasheet Features and Specification

Eye Inside Diameter:
0.162 inches minimum and 0.177 inches maximum
Seal Material:
Rubber, silicone base
Furnished Items:
Body Height:
0.672 inches maximum
Overall Diameter:
1.500 inches maximum
Attachment Feature Length:
3.750 inches minimum and 4.500 inches maximum
Seal Type:
Mounting Facility Type And Quantity:
1 bayonet lock
Aluminum alloy
Aluminum alloy
Surface Treatment:
Style Designator:
External bayonet w/chain or rope
Surface Treatment:
Test Data Document:
81349-mil-dtl-26482 specification (includes engineering type bulletins, brochures,etc., that reflect specification type data in specification format; excludes commercial catalogs, industry directories, and similar trade publications, reflecting general type data on certain environmental and performance requirements and test conditions that are shown as "typical", "average", "nominal", etc.).
Specification Data:
96906-ms3180 government standard

Additional Information

SKU / Model: MS318020CA
NSN: 5935-01-164-5239
FSC: Connectors, Electrical / 5935
Product Series: MS3180
Pack Weight (Approx.) 0.000 lb
Minimum Qty (MOQ): 1
National Motor Freight: 061680, Elec Wiring Plugs Etc
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For plugs - protective cover for mil-c-26482 series i and ii circular connectors

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You all are Awesome! I am restoring a 1946 all aluminum camper and have come to you several times for materials needed. Every time I order, I get a quality product at a fair price in a timely manner. I couldn't ask for more.


Great company to work with! Customer service TEAM is outstanding. Thank you, Trisha for helping...


Recently my avionics technician and I were installing a component in my aircraft and there were some critical fasteners missing from the manufactures package. This stopped the entire process. I called Military Fasteners after finding the parts on line, and Trisha answered the phone. I told her the situation and that I needed them ASAP. I found the parts gave her the part number and she confirmed they were in stock. This was about 430 in the afternoon just before closing. Trisha was kind and professional got the parts out the door that evening even though it was after the shipping cut off. Saved the day. I can tell you this entire company is represented by Trisha, anything they can do to help you out of a jamb they will absolutely go the extra mile and Trisha is the go to person. I am sure there are others there with her same attitude and professionalism. This is a great resource for all your fasteners needs.


My order was received in perfect shape, well packaged, and came quickly. Would not hesitate to order from Military Fasteners again!!
